Abrasive Blasting Using Various Medias - Sand, Soda, Dry Ice and More!
Abrasive blasting is similar to sand blasting only we have experience using more than just sand to clean and restore surfaces. Our company has almost 15 years of experience in matching the right media to the job. One of our team members has been blasting for over 25 years. We've cleaned over 1 million square feet of various surfaces. We continually expand our tools into using the latest proven methods (such as dry ice blasting and dustless grinding) to meet the project goals for both production and safety. CSB also is passionate about training our employees to work safely (see the About Us page for more details.) Let us assess your project to determine the best method for you!

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Buildings & Structures
Component Rebuild Centers (CRC)
Equipment & Machinery
Flammable Atmospheres
Historic Preservation
Marine Applications
Operating Equipment
Pipes & Pipelines
Structural Steel

Abrasive blasting is the cleaning or preparing of a surface by forcibly propelling a stream of abrasive material against the surface using sand, corncob, aluminum oxide, baking soda, garnet, steel shot, walnut shells, and others. Abrasive blasting is being used in many different applications.
- To roughen surfaces in preparation for bonding, painting or coating.
- To remove existing coatings.
- To clean surfaces after a fire.
- To prepare surfaces for a final look in tenant improvements.
- To clean mold, dirt, or paint from studs, wood beams, and ceilings.
- To clean rust off engines.
- To remove graffiti.
- The list goes on and on!
Abrasive blasting helps eliminate the use of solvent stripping and the generation of toxic waste material. A wide range of abrasive blasting equipment is available and blasting conditions can be selected to suit the coating and substrate. In most applications, the abrasive media are collected, cleaned to remove coating debris, and reused. In some instances they sublimate making cleanup and disposal quick and easy.

Media we frequently use listed from least to most aggressive:
Dry Ice is the least aggressive media we use. It is great for killing and removing mold as well as working on removing rust off engines because it will not damage the fine electrical parts. See our Dry Ice Blasting pages for more information.
Sodium Bicarbonate (Soda) is a biodegradable media that is also a naturally occurring element making it environmentally friendly. It is used on more delicate surfaces to minimize or prevent etching.
Corncob is a biodegradable blast media that will not etch, or warp surface being blasted. Ideal for applications such as wood log homes and thin metals and plastics.
Walnut Shells - Walnut Shell Grit is the most versatile of the organic media due to its angular, durable shape yet is still considered a soft media. Use as an economical, biodegradable alternative for sensitive blasting operations that require aggressive stripping without effect on the substrate.
Sand is a more aggressive media used on a variety of surfaces. Typically, it is used to alter a surface such as profiling metal in preparation for paint or profiling new concrete or cement to give it a specialized look. We use Green Diamond sand which contains no free silica making it a more environmentally-friendly product. See our Sandblasting pages for more information.
Steel Shot is used primarily in cement cleaning, surface profiling, and restoration. This dense, smooth shot can be used up to 3,000 times producing minimal dust during the blasting process increased compressive strength of the metal. See our Shot Blasting page for more information.

Types of surfaces or locations
we've blasted in the past:
- Cement
- Brick
- Metal
- Wood
- Pools and Pool decks
- Paper Mill
- Industrial drums
- Industrial Kitchens
- Parking Garages
We've removed the below from
the previous list of surfaces:
- Epoxy
- Paint
- Rust
- Stains
- Char
- Oil
King County
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